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Reach Out; Start to End Suicde

'Reach Out; Start to End Suicide’, a multi award winning campaign, is dedicated to the prevention of suicide. Our campaign is based on the foundation and belief that suicide is preventable and everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide. We are aiming for a community that makes it’s the norm and acceptable, in a variety of contexts, to feel free to discuss feelings and for people to be told that they matter. Through raising public awareness, educating communities, and equipping people with the confidence to have conversations to support those at risk of suicide, we know we can save lives being lost and contribute to the Salfords’ ‘Zero Suicides’ ambition.

‘Reach Out; Start to End Suicide’ maximised its impact through its innovative delivery of:

• ‘Sea of Hands of Support’, which has amassed nearly 2,500 pledges of support for those experiencing suicidal thoughts and ideation and 4,000+ conversations occurred that smash the stigma associated with suicide.
• ‘Builders Lunch’ with workers in the construction industry being characterised as the hardest to reach and at highest risk profession to suicide, we served pizza and chatted about their mental health and suicide. We engaged with 271 construction workers with 97% of construction workers engaged reported an increase of their awareness of suicide prevention.
Our ‘WSPD Vigil & Processions of Remembrance’ aims to remember all the lives that have been lost to suicide and support those left behind. This event takes place each year on World Suicide Prevention Day i.e September 10th.
• ‘Turn Yellow for Suicide Prevention Month’ saw the distribution of and display of our ‘Turn Yellow Packs’ including posters, card tents, desk flags and flags across the country in 2019. We saw 1,239 of our suicide prevention resources being displayed across 277 locations. Our logo emblazoned flags were flown at Salford City Council, Trafford Council & Wigan Council town halls on World Suicide Prevention Day. Salford Civic Centre was floodlit yellow to mark the day.
• ‘Care Workers Tea’ saw 850 logo emblazoned cakes with thank you cards that carried suicide prevention messages and a thank you delivered to our front line Health & Social Care workers and Nurses at Salford Royal Hospital at the height of the pandemic.

Everyday Mental Health Hero

In an effort to foster a community that prioritises mental health and supports those in need, a ground-breaking initiative titled 'Everyday Mental Health Hero' is set to launch in the Salford community. This initiative, led by the leading Mental Health Charity ‘START Inspiring Minds’ and their award-winning ‘Reach Out; Start to End Suicide’ campaign, aims to inspire, educate, and empower individuals to meaningfully connect with one another, raise awareness of suicide prevention, and foster a supportive environment for mental health wellbeing.

The 'Everyday Mental Health Hero' initiative introduces a three-stage model designed to engage a diverse cross-section of the Salford community:

LEARN: Participants will engage with trained living experience engagement workers and undergo online suicide prevention training. The program, developed by the Zero Suicide Alliance and hosted by GM Health & Social Care's 'Shining a Light on Suicide', offers real-life stories and scenario videos to equip participants with the skills to recognise warning signs and provide support.

PLEDGE: Individuals will make a public pledge to reach out when they or others are in need. Research shows that publicly committing to a goal increases the likelihood of follow-through, and by joining the 'Everyday Mental Health Hero' community, participants support and motivate each other to uphold their commitments.

WEAR: Community members will wear a distinctive ‘Hear to Hear’ badge, signalling their willingness to listen and support others. While wearing the badge doesn't imply having all the answers, it signifies being a friendly ear and knowing how to connect individuals with available support services.

The initiative also provides bespoke resources including signposting to online training, bereavement support, and local services such as the Samaritans helpline. These resources, including posters, info cards, and more, aim to reinforce the message of 'Everyday Mental Health Hero' throughout the community.

To register your Salford based organisation to 'Everyday Mental Health Hero' to receive your pack email



Our Events

WSPD Vigil & Procession of Remembrance

Losing a loved one to suicide is different than losing a loved one as the result of a disease or a tragic accident. With suicide the person has actually chosen death.

People don’t know how to relate to death by suicide. They are at a loss for how to comfort someone deal-ing with the loss. Those left behind through suicide often feel alone and reluctant to discuss their feelings or emotions about the death of their loved ones. They are often afraid that they will be condemned, judged or blamed for their loved one’s death by others for not trying to get that person help.

Our WSPD Vigil & Procession of Remembrance is a safe place for people to come together and remember those that have been lost to suicide, and see that they are not alone. This delivers support and destigmatises the grieving of a loved one lost to suicide and enables reflection on the person rather than the act of suicide itself.

Our WSPD Vigil & Procession of Remembrance takes place every World Suicide Prevention Day 6.30pm 10th September.

Surviving Suicide Peer to Peer Support Art Group

‘Reach Out; Start to End Suicide’ has been bringing together suicide attempt survivors, those experiencing or have experienced suicidal thoughts and/or ideation in a peer to peer creative arts support group that is running at ‘START’.

The sessions are built around basic skill sets that are built upon each week, seeing participants conceptualise, design, plan and create their own works, with all materials being supplied free. Participants learn creative art skills including various mediums and art forms. The group is designed and delivered through an ongoing organic consultative process that actively seeks the involvement of all participants. The sessions allow plenty of opportunities for the development of peer to peer support allowing for connection, community, recovery, inclusion and creative expression. This group is to complement the support given by participants mental health team.

If you would like further information or like to register email


There are different reasons why someone might experience suicidal feelings. There may be an obvious cause, such as a particular event or problem. It may also be because of a combination of different factors. There may also be no obvious reason. Suicidal feelings may appear suddenly or develop gradually over time.

Myth: If a person is serious about killing themselves, there is nothing you can do.

Fact: Often, feeling suicidal is temporary, even if someone has been feeling low, anxious or struggling for a long period of time. This is why getting the right kind of support at the right time is so important.

Talk and Listen

If you think someone is suicidal, one of the most important things you can do is to talk to them about how they feel and be there to listen.

If you find it difficult to know where to start, you could try:

Asking open, non-judgemental questions about their situation such as, “When did that happen?”, “How did you feel?”

• Exploring their thoughts about suicide, by asking “Are you having thoughts of suicide?” or “What thoughts have you had about suicide?”. This can help them talk about their feelings and can give you an understanding of their thoughts and intentions.

It’s important to use the word ‘suicide’ or being clear about asking if someone has considered ‘tak-ing their own life’. Being direct gives the message that it’s ok to talk about suicide openly. It also avoids any ambiguity.

Asking about suicide will not make someone more likely to attempt it. By asking directly, you give someone permission to tell you how they feel. Once someone starts talking, they’ve got a better chance of discovering other options to suicide.

Giving them time to talk by listening and reflecting back what they have said. It’s understandable that you may feel pressure ‘to say the right thing’, but remember by just being there and listening in a compassionate way, you are helping that person to feel less isolated and frightened.

Try Not to Judge

It can be very upsetting to hear that someone is thinking about taking their own life. It’s understandable to feel shocked, frightened or angry. However, it’s important to try not to judge that person or blame them for the way they are feeling. Often, finding someone who is prepared to listen and be supportive is the first step towards a person seeking help.

Be aware of the words you use. Asking someone ‘if they are going to do something silly’ can minimise the issue and may cause someone to feel unable to talk about how they are feeling.

It can be tempting to suggest reasons not to consider suicide e.g. ‘think of how hurt your family would be’. This can increase feelings of guilt and worthlessness.

Offer Help

It is important to explore sources of support with the person. You could talk to them about the idea of get-ting help and ask them how they feel about this. By doing this, you can start to encourage them to get support.

If you are planning to ask someone about thoughts of suicide, it can be useful to have some information to hand about sources of support.

Sources of Support

If the person is already receiving support from mental health services, you will need to contact the team that cares for them during their normal working hours. This would be their best option for seeking help.

If the person’s needs are urgent, needing immediate help from a mental health professional, then they should attend their nearest Hospital A&E department and ask for a mental health worker to see them.

For non-urgent matters encourage the person to make an appointment to see their GP and they will assist them to access the most appropriate service.

Samaritans offer emotional support 24 hours a day.
Tel: 116 123 (free to call) Email: Website:

Papyrus HOPELineUK - This is a confidential suicide prevention helpline service for young people think-ing about suicide or for anyone concerned about a young person.
Open 10am – 10pm weekdays, 2-10pm weekends and 2-5pm Bank Holidays.
Tel: 0800 068 4141 Text: 07786 209697 Email: Webpages:

Other Useful Information and services can be found on Salford City Council's website.